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The misery and the emptiness and the vacuous fucking shitness of their lives is so considerable that the proximity... →
if you don't know what he looks like, and he doesn't look like anything, then how do you know that he's anything... →
Once you've seen the inside of somebody's stomach, I think your relationships with that person probably moves on to what?... →
and putting her arms up and making these little noises which basically mean: «Put me on your lap and read me a... →
You see when people say to you that they can’t imagine not believing in anything because it would be just... →
When you take a photograph what you do is freeze something that is actually alive. To do this property you need... →
She’s wearing this dress. It’s a blue dress, with this dropped back. And she asked me to tell her what I think.... →
She says that's one of the things she likes about me. I like people. People like me. They think I'm gentle. I had absolutely... →
Just because we don’t know, doesn’t mean we won’t know. We just don’t know yet.
There’s a hole running through the centre of my stomach. You must have felt a bit awkward because you can probably... →